Geoscience Research Reports
33, 2000 (GRR for 1999),
pages 75–76
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During this year, the newly opened Žacléř 1 and 2 quarries yielded many plant remains in the vicinity of the 10th and 9th upper coal seams of the Šverma coals of the Lampertice Member, Žacléř Formation. They were collected at the spoil pile of Žacléř 1 quarry and on many places of the Žacléř 2 quarry. Next to the very common species Mariopteris muricata and Paripteris gigantea, a lot of species was found in a small number of specimens: They are as follows: Lepidophoios laricinus, Calamites schuetzeiformis, Annularia radiata, Asterophyllites grandis, A. charaeformis, Sphenophyllum cuneifolium, Alloiopteris sp., Sphenopteris sp., Eusphenopteris obtusiloba, Palmatopteris furcata, Pecopteris plumosa, Neuropteris obliqua, Linopteris neuropteroides forma major and Cordaites sp. An accumulation of Cordaicarpus seeds is very interesting. This rather poor floral assemblage belongs to the Linopteris neuropteroides zone (PURKYŇOVÁ 1986), which stratigraphically coresponds to the Duckmantian. A new species, which will be described as Archaeonoeggerathia schatzlarensis sp.nov., was found on the spoil pile of Marie Julie Mine near Žacléř. It comes from the Langsettian strata.