Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Geoscience Research Reports for 1998 (volume 32)


Report on geological mapping of the Ždánice Unit on map sheet 34-221 Kyjov in 1998
Bubík,M., Švábenická,L., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 9–11
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Investigation of organic sediments on map sheets Kyjov and Vracov
Břízová,E., Havlíček,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 11–12
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Investigation of organic sediments on map sheets Hora Sv. Šebestiána and Načetín
Břízová,E., Havlíček,P., Mlčoch,B., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 13–14
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Mineral spring near Chotyně
Burda,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 14–15
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Finds of re-deposited Lower Badenian sediments in Troubsko-area
Diviš,K., Sviták,C., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 15–16
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Quaternary sediments on the sheet Kyjov 34-221
Havlíček,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 17–18
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Quaternary sediments on the map 1:25 000 sheet 14-412 Šumperk
Holásek,O., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 18–20
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Preliminary results of mapping on Olomouc mapsheet
Hrubeš,M., Čtyroká,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 20–22
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Quaternary sediments on the map 1:25 000 sheet 14-414 Zábřeh
Holásek,O., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 23–25
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Engineering-geological assessment of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments on the Nýřany map sheet
Lochmann,Z., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 25–28
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Report on geologie mapping of the Neogene on the map sheet Kyjov in 1998
Petrová,P., Novák,Z., Čtyroký,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 28–30
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Hydrogeology of the Sovinec limestones
Čurda,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 31–32
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Hydrogeology of the old mines west of Uničov
Čurda,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 32–33
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Hydrogeology of the Moravský Beroun Formation
Čurda,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 33–34
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Litostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Godula Formation s.s. in tha Moravskoslezské Beskydy mountains
Eliáš,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 35–37
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Recent calcareous foam sinter at Kohout near Česká Třebová (Czech Republic, Eastern Bohemia)
Pek, I., Šebela,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 37–38
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Standardization of the radiometric map of the Czech Republic 1:500 000
Matolín,M., Jáně,Z., Senčák,J., Slepičková,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 39–44
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Artificial outcrop of Zahořany Formation (Ordovician, Berounian) in Praha-Hloubětín
Budil,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 45–46
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Cenomanian sediments in the Kc-1 Ledčice borehole
Čech,S., Svobodová,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 46–49
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Preliminary report on a palynological research of the level 21 from the Bílina mine
Dašková,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 50–50
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Tha interaction gypsum-water: Discrepancy in the shape of kinetic curves
Famion,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 51–52
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The experimental weathering of perthitic feldspars
Faimon,J., Losos,Z., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 52–53
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Relic of Cretaceous surf-gravels with redbrown loam in clefts of a lydite cliff at Minice-village
Fediuk,F., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 53–54
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Olivine diabase from Podbaba and the age of the Lower-Vltava Pluton
Fediuk,F., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 55–56
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Cyanophytes in the acritarch assemblage of the Králův Dvůr Formation, Barrandian
Konzalová,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 57–57
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The oldest member of the order Graptoloidea from the Barrandian Ordovician and its stratigraphical significance
Kraft,P., Kraft,J., Fakta,O., Seidl,R., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 58–59
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Sedimentary structures of the Upper Proterozoic carbonates at Jarov
Mikuláš,R., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 60–62
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Notes to The Zahořany Formation Bohdalec Formation boundary in the outcrops between Černošice and Karlík (Ordovician of the Prague)
Mikuáš,R., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 62–63
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Notes to the Vinice Formation/Zahořany Formation boundary in the outcrops between Černošice and Karlík (Ordovician of the Prague Basin)
Mikuláš,R., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 64–65
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Petrography and chemistry of Číměř subtype from the environs of Okrouhlá Radouň
René,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 65–67
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Flood plain of the Labe river in the surrounding of Stará Boleslav
Růžičková,E., Zeman,A., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 68–70
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Results of the flood plain investigation near Kostelec nad Labem
Růžičková,E., Zeman,A., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 70–80
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Illaenid trilobites of the Bohemian Ordovician (Prague Basin)
Slavíčková,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 71–73
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Interesting Cenomanian outcrop in nw.part of brick-field in Praha-Hloubětín
Sviták,C., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 73–75
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Vug minerals from Lazec graphite deposit, (Český Krumlov district, southern Bohemia)
Šarbach,M., Zeman,A., Suchý,V., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 75–77
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Relic of Paleogene sandstones near Benešov nad Ploučnicí (Czech Republic, northern Bohemia)
Valečka,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 78–81
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Petrology and geochemistry of pyroxene-biotite quartz monzodiorite of the Štěpánovice dyke
Vrána,S., Janoušek,V., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 81–82
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Fossil hydrothermal karst of Bohemia and Moravia: general features and its modern equivalents
Zeman,A., Suchý,V., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 83–84
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New data on the Late Cretaceous sedimentation near Brázdim (central Bohemia)
Žítt,J., Nemovařík,Č., Hradecká,L., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 85–85
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Geochemistry of peraluminous granites of the Central Moldanubian Pluton
Breiter,K., Koller,F., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 86–87
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Geological map of the Moravian part of the Vienna Basin in scale 1:500 000
Čtyroký,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 88–91
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Terrace system of the rivers Dourdou and Rance in the surroundings of the St. Sernin-sur-Rance, southwest margin of the Massif Central, France
Havlíček,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 91–93
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Palaeopedological investigation of the important Quaternary localities in the Lower Austria
Havlíček,P., Smolíková,L., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 93–97
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Problematics of volcanogenic edaphoids in Nicaragua
Havlíček,P., Smolíková,L., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 98–98
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Non volcanic Quaternary sediments in the vicinity of Masaya and Granada (Nicaragua)
Havlíček,P., Smolíková,L., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 99–101
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New data on basal sedimentation in the easternmost part of the Ohře river rift (Polish and Czech part of the Zittau Basin)
Konzalová,M., Ziembińska-Tworzydlo,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 102–103
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Report on the brachiopod fauna of the Kossen Beds (Uppermost Triassic) of the Northern Calcareous Alps
Siblík,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 104–105
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Subfossil and fossil soils in the vicinity of Masaya and Granada (Nicaragua)
Smolíková,L., Havlíček,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 105–106
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The constitution of a unified network of protected geological localities on the territory Prague-West district
Cílek,V., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 107–109
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The constitution of a unified network of protected geological localities on the territory of Mělník and Mladá Boleslav districts
Cílek,V., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 109–110
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Sludies of the Quaternary between Lysá nad Labem and Čelákovice preliminary resulls of archive malerial research
Hrubeš,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 111–114
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Malacostratigraphic investigation of tufa deposits in the Bílé Karpaty Mts.
Ložek,V., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 114–115
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Results of geological investigations in the area of the protected locality "Osypané břehy" in 1998
Petrová,P., Novák,Z., Havlíček,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 116–118
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Radon activity in selected springs of Bohemia karst
Kadlecová,R., Barnet,I., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 119–121
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Re-assessment of inferred mineral resources of the Czech Republic
Petáková,Z., Eliáš,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 122–122
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New geological documentation in the Železné hory Mts.
Čech,S., Rambousk,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 123–126
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Geological documentation of the by-pass road I/7 around Louny
Zelenka,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 126–127
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Geological documentation of the by-pass road I/7 around Slaný
Zelenka,P., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 127–127
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Sediments of the glacial lakes of the Šumava and Krkonoše Mts. (pollen analysis)
Břízová,E., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 128–129
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Taxonomic research of the subfamily Recurvoidinae (Foraminifera) in year 1998
Bubík,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 129–133
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Dyke rocks in the underground gas reservoir at Háje near Příbram
Holub,F.V., Lantora,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 133–135
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Petrochemistry of lamprophyres from the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex and the Krušné hory/Erzgebirge batholith in relation to their different metallogeny
Holub,F.V., Štemprok,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 136–138
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Lithofacies characteristics of clastic sediments of the Jítrava and Machnín Groups, Ještěd Mts., North Bohemia
Maštera,L., Otava,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 139–142
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Petrology of mafic dykes from the Jáchymov ore district and their petrophysical properties
Štemprok,M., Chlupáčová,M., Holub,F.V., Novák,J., Lang,M., Pivec,E., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 142–145
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Sources, transport and fractionation of platinoids in selected geological environments of the Bohemian Massif
Pašava,J., Jelínek,E., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 146–147
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Kukal,Z., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 7–8
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