Geoscience Research Reports, 50, 1, 2017
Albitized pyroclastic complex from Padochov near Oslavany (Boskovice Graben)
Jakub Jirásek, Dalibor Matýsek, Martin Sivek, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 39–44pdf (1.29 MB)
New findings about the provenance of deposits of the Kroměříž Formation
Michal Francírek, Slavomír Nehyba, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 45–49pdf (0.93 MB)
New findings on stratigraphy of the Subsilesian Unit in the Jablunkov Furrow: Kopytná Stream
Miroslav Bubík, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 51–56pdf (1.41 MB)
Rudist limestones of the Bílá Hora Formation (Lower-Middle Turonian) near the town of Bílina (NW Bohemia), paleogeography, stratigraphy, sedimentology
Jaroslav Valečka, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 103–110pdf (2.51 MB)
Contribution of hydrogeological core drilling to stratigraphy, sedimentology and tectonics of the Upper Cretaceous deposits in the NW-part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin
Roland Nádaskay, Jaroslav Valečka, Stanislav Čech, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 129–136pdf (4.82 MB)
Lower Permian lacustrine limestones in the western part of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin, locality Tatobity (Rotliegend)
Marcela Stárková, Pavel Čáp, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 137–140pdf (5.63 MB)
Tectonic and hydrogeological impact on stability of adits in the Křtiny Valley
Vít Baldík, Jiří Rez, Eva Kryštofová, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 147–151pdf (1.55 MB)
Temporary exposure of a fossiliferous Upper Ordovician (Katian) horizon at Praha – Dolní Počernice, Czech Republic
Martin David, Filip Novotný, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 33–37pdf (0.88 MB)
Testing the distribution model of Ledum palustre L. using paleoecological data
Tomáš Radoměřský, Petr Kuneš, Přemysl Bobek, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 65–71pdf (1.89 MB)
Inner structure of Cretaceous insect egg Palaeoaldrovanda splendens Knobloch et Mai, studied using X-ray microtomography
Zuzana Heřmanová, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 99–102pdf (0.86 MB)
Acme Marthasterites furcatus as a good marker for the Turonian-Coniacian boundary and Lower Coniacian, Jizera development of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin
Lilian Švábenická, Pavel Havlíček, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 111–116pdf (0.62 MB)
Upper Paleozoic amphibians of Boskovice graben in the colection of Chlupáč’s Museum of Earth History
Martina Krejčí, Martin Mazuch, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 125–127pdf (0.82 MB)
Rostroconchs from Devonian sediments of the Moravo-Silesian Basin
Hedvika Weinerová, Tomáš Weiner, Jindřich Hladil, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 153–157pdf (2.41 MB)
Assessment of the spongilitic marlstone building blocks from the Slaný historical city walls
Petr Brotan, Miroslava Gregerová, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 9–16pdf (7.49 MB)
Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon ages of Derflice granodiorite from the Thaya (Dyje) Massif
Martin Svojtka, Karel Breiter, Jana Ďurišová, Lukáš Ackerman, František Veselovský, Jaroslav Šmerda, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 17–24pdf (1.42 MB)
Response of quartz chemistry to greisenization: Preliminary results from the western Krušné hory/Erzgebirge
Karel Breiter, Jana Ďurišová, Marek Dosbaba, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 25–31pdf (2.78 MB)
Variations of radon concentration and gamma dose rate on tectonics in sedimentary rocks (Bohemian Massif)
Ivan Barnet, Michal Poňavič, Petra Pacherová, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 57–63pdf (0.78 MB)
Zinc in diopside in marbles of southern part of the Moldanubian Zone (Czech Republic)
Vladimír Žáček, Radek Škoda, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 73–79pdf (1.17 MB)
Impact of biocolonization on erosion and resistance of different types of sandstone surfaces in a quarry and in natural outcrops
Martin Slavík, Jiří Bruthans, Jana Schweigstillová, Lukáš Falteisek , volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 81–87pdf (0.91 MB)
Hydraulic properties of biologically initiated rock crust on sandstone
Martin Slavík, Jiří Bruthans, Alžběta Kobrlová, Petr Vorlíček, Martin Paděra, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 117–123pdf (1.16 MB)
The trace fossils in Da Lat Basin (Nha Trang district, Khánh Hoa Province, SE Vietnam)
Richard Pokorný, Pham_Ba_Trung, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 141–146pdf (1.73 MB)
Mongol Altai 50 - a Development Cooperation Project of Czech Republic with Mongolia in geology (2013-2016)
Vladimír Žáček, Petr Bohdálek, Eva Břízová, David Buriánek, Pavel Čáp, Enkhjargal Mijiddorj, Juraj Franců, Gelegjamts Adilbish, Alexandra Guy, Pavel Hanžl, Pavel Havlíček, Eric Henrion, Jan Hošek, Jan Jelének, Ilja Knésl, Jana Karenová, Lenka Kociánová, Jana Kotková, Zuzana Krejčí, Petr Mixa, Jan Mrlina, Vratislav Pecina, Zoltán Pécskay, Alice Prudhomme, Igor Soejono, Martin Svojtka, Zbyněk Šimůnek, Radek Škoda, Kryštof Verner, Lukáš Vondrovic, Tomáš Vorel, Stanislav Vrána, Renata Čopjaková, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 159–166pdf (2.79 MB)
Indications of karst cavities in marbles using the ERT method demonstrated on an example of the Branná Group
Pavla Tomanová_Petrová, Zuzana Skácelová, Jiří Otava, Helena Gilíková, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 89–94pdf (3.6 MB)
Current state of registered hazardous abandoned mine waste facilities in the Czech Republic
Vít Štrupl, Miroslav Raus, Vladimír Zýval, Stanislav Fojtík, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 95–97pdf (0.07 MB)