Geoscience Research Reports, 51, 2, 2018


Age and origin of coarse-crystalline speleothems from the Dvoustovka Cave in the Ještěd Ridge (Liberec Region, Czech Republic)
Karel Žák, Ivan Rous, Petr Dobeš, Josef Klomínský, Helena Hercman, Šárka Matoušková, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 97–102
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Slump and deformation structures in limestones of the Lower Devonian of the Barrandian area, at localities U topolů, Lochkov and U kapličky
Tomáš Vorel, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 107–112
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Biostratigraphy and lithology of Cenomanian grey marlstones and silicites on the basal part of the Baška Formation in the Kašice brook
Petr Stelmach, Petr Skupien, Dalibor Matýsek, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 149–155
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Magnetic susceptibility survey of granites in the western part of the Krkonoše-Jizera Composite Massif
Tomáš Žitný, Josef Klomínský, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 157–162
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Neoproterozoic volcaniclastic rocks in the SW part of the Brdy area: a result of submarine volcanic activity
Marcela Stárková, Tomáš Vorel, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 163–166
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Stratigraphy, depositional environment and tectonic setting of the so-called Kozly Sandstone in northwestern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin
Roland Nádaskay, Jaroslav Valečka, Stanislav Čech, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 167–180
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Interaction of granite and basic volcanites (melilitite and bazanite) from the surroundings of Liberec in the Jizerské hory Mts.
Zita Bukovská, Tatiana Larikova, Josef Klomínský, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 195–199
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Fossil thermokarst in South Bohemia (Czech Republic)
Jan Hošek, Petr Pokorný, Jindřich Prach, Petr Šída, Marek Křížek, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 131–139
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Extent of the Jihlava River sediments load by geogenic elements
Kristina Majorošová, Pavel Kašperák, Milan Geršl, Eva Geršlová, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 181–183
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Slope deformations map along highway D8 between the villages of Dobkovičky and Prackovice nad Labem
Jan Klimeš, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 201–205
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New zoopaleontological finds in the Ploužnice Horizon (Pennsylvanian) of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin
Stanislav Štamberg, Martin Lapacík, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 103–106
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Perálec and Doly u Luže: two localities with Cenomanian flora from the Železné hory Mts.
Jiří Kvaček, Josef Greguš, Jaromír Váňa, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 113–119
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A new find of scutelluid trilobite pygidium from the upper Frasnian of the Šumbera area near Brno-Líšeň (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic)
Tomáš Weiner, Hedvika Weinerová, Tomáš Viktorýn, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 121–125
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Occurrence of goniatite Neoglyphioceras spirale (Phillips, 1841) from the Bohučovice quarry and its significance for stratigraphy of the Nízký Jeseník Mts. Culm sediments (Czech Republic)
Jakub Jirásek, Zdeněk Vašíček, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 185–188
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Interactions between ichnofossils, body fossils and lithology studied by computer tomography (Šárka Formation, Ordovician of the Barrandian area, Czech Republic)
Radek Mikuláš, Eva Kadlecová, Jana Bruthansová, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 189–193
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The development and changes of selected elements in soils on the territory of the capital city Prague, Czech Republic, during last 20 years
Michal Poňavič, Zdeňka Wittlingerová, Ilja Knésl, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 127–129
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Barite mineralization in the Kůzová fault zone in the Čistá-Jesenice Pluton: fluid inclusions and stable isotopes study
Petr Dobeš, Josef Klomínský, Bohuslava Čejková, Ivana Jačková, Zdeňka Lněničková, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 141–147
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