Geoscience Research Reports, 54, 2, 2021
New details on onset of deposition and volcanic activity in the early Permian (Asselian); Rudník member in northwestern part of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin
Marcela Stárková, Roland Nádaskay, Vladislav Rapprich, Ondřej Pour, volume 54, issue 2, 2021, pages 99–109pdf (15.89 MB)
Remarks to the facies development of the Letná Formation (Upper Ordovician, Sandbian) in the northern part of the Prague Basin
Petr Budil, Oldřich Fatka, Staislav Čech, Radek Mikuláš, Martina Nohejlová, Jan Franěk, Jakub Vodikčka, Marika Polechová, volume 54, issue 2, 2021, pages 111–116pdf (4.49 MB)
Results of the geological investigation of the Kladno Formation north of Nýřany in 2007–2021
Jan Bureš, Robert Slunčík, volume 54, issue 2, 2021, pages 123–134pdf (23.02 MB)
Mobility of elements bound in river sediments affected by coal mining
Marcela Cahová, Eva Geršlová, Jan Kuta, volume 54, issue 2, 2021, pages 93–97pdf (7.07 MB)
Possibilities of evaluation of trace element loading of river sediments on the example of the Svratka River and its tributaries
Pavel Kašperák, Dagmar Kašperáková, Eva Geršlová, Milan Geršl, volume 54, issue 2, 2021, pages 117–122pdf (3.93 MB)