Publisher © Czech Geological Survey, ISSN: 2336-5757 (online), 0514-8057 (print)

Geoscience Research Reports, 50, 1, 2017


Temporary exposure of a fossiliferous Upper Ordovician (Katian) horizon at Praha – Dolní Počernice, Czech Republic
Martin David, Filip Novotný, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 33–37
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Testing the distribution model of Ledum palustre L. using paleoecological data
Tomáš Radoměřský, Petr Kuneš, Přemysl Bobek, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 65–71
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Inner structure of Cretaceous insect egg Palaeoaldrovanda splendens Knobloch et Mai, studied using X-ray microtomography
Zuzana Heřmanová, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 99–102
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Acme Marthasterites furcatus as a good marker for the Turonian-Coniacian boundary and Lower Coniacian, Jizera development of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin
Lilian Švábenická, Pavel Havlíček, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 111–116
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Upper Paleozoic amphibians of Boskovice graben in the colection of Chlupáč’s Museum of Earth History
Martina Krejčí, Martin Mazuch, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 125–127
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Rostroconchs from Devonian sediments of the Moravo-Silesian Basin
Hedvika Weinerová, Tomáš Weiner, Jindřich Hladil, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 153–157
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