Geoscience Research Reports
33, 2000 (GRR for 1999),
pages 147–149
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These floras are bound to clay lenses irregularly, distributed in psammitic-psephitic sediments of the Tertiary river, which drained off areas of Central and West Bohemia and led through the Rakovník towards Žatec areas. The flora of Holedeč is preserved in clay layers, which genetically belong to the lower part of the Žatec facies. It includes 2 ferns, 5 conifers and 54 angiosperms. Populus zaddachii var. brabenecii var. n. has been described as a new taxon. The preservation of plant fossils is very poor without any chance for taxonomical determination by cuticular analysis. Ecological reconstruction of plant associations corresponds to the temerate riparian forest with dominant deciduous element, e.g. Fagus saxonica, Pseudolarix schmidtgenii, Taxodium dubium, Betulaceae. The floras from Holedeč and the Hlavačov belt are correlated with the Upper Oligocene floristic complex Thierbach (in sense of Mai and Walther 1991) from the lower part of the Bitterfeld Basin (Germany).