New facies of micaceous greywackes in northwest flank of the Barrandian Neoproterozoic (Czech Republic)


Tomáš Vorel

Geoscience Research Reports 41, 2008 (GRR for 2007), pages 81–82

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In the NW flank of the Barrandian Neoproterozoic (map sheets Lány and Hudlice) the facies of micaceous greywackes was defined. It forms a NE-SW oriented belt between the flysch and volcanogenic units (as defined by CHÁB and PELC, 1968). The above mentioned greywackes are petrologically close to the sediments of the flysch facies. Clastic mica flakes, 0.5-2 mm across, are probably muscovite of metamorphic provenance. The structural position of micaceous greywackes is discussed. Obviously enough, in the area of Velká Buková (map sheet Hudlice) their geological position is in agreement with the old concept of KODYM (1926).