What is the origin of the uranium in the military area Boletice?


Ilja Knésl, Igor Dvořák, Petra Hejtmánková, Michal Poňavič

Geoscience Research Reports 47, 2014 (GRR for 2013), pages 126–129

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Portable gamma-ray spectrometry allows quick and relatively precise determination of uranium (or "equivalent of uranium") not only in rocks, but also in soils. Values in the range of 1 to 12 ppm was measured during field works on the map sheet 32-231 Horní Planá and 32-213 Ktiš on the scale of 1 : 25,000. Studied area is mostly composed of a military area Boletice, where the Czech Army and also army of NATO militates. Some members of army corps used armor piercing munitions with depleted uranium. This text is dedicated to the measurement of uranium in surface soils and its possible sources. The studied element could have the geogenic or anthropogenic origin. The average value of the measured eU from all area of interest is slightly higher than the average value of uranium in the upper soil. The highest concentrations eU were measured in soils covering the Knížecí stolec pluton (average 7.09 ppm). The rocks of Knížecí stolec pluton are products of high magnesium and ultrapotassic magmatic activities. They are geochemically very specific and characterized by high contents of U and others typical elements like Cr, Rb, Ba and Th. The executed geological, geochemical and gamma-ray spectrometry studies indicate that slightly higher values of uranium content in the surface layer of soil in the "Army Area Boletice" have the geogenic source.


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