Keyword "EGER RIFT" in:

Report on the occurrence of the acidulous waters below the final slope of the ČSA open-pit (Most Basin)
Viktor Goliáš, Petr Urban, Martin Přibil, Pavel Škácha, volume 55, issue 1, 2022, pages 35–40
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Possibilities of exploiting the deep geothermal energy in the Všebořice area (Ústí nad Labem) and consequences for the Litoměřice region
Martin Kloz, Jan Holeček, volume 52, issue 2, 2019, pages 147–158
pdf (5.41 MB)

Albrechtice chloride district
Goliáš,V., Hrušková,L., Černík,T., Bruthans,J., Nakládal,P., Churáčková,Z., Kula,A., volume 47, 2014 (GRR for 2013), pages 165–170
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