Preliminary report of the revision nuculoids bivalves from the Šárka formation (Prague Basin, Middle Ordovician, Darriwilian)
Geoscience Research Reports 42, 2009 (GRR for 2008),
pages 124–125
taxonomy, Prague Basin, Middle Ordovician, bivalves, nuculoids, Ctenodonta, Praeleda, Praenucula, Pseudocyrtodonta
Nuculoids constitute a group of bivalves with simple shell, taxodont teeth, protobranch gills and enlarged foot. They are evolutionary and phylogenetically very important because they represent one of root lineages of the bivalve evolution. This paper presents the revision of nuculids from the Šárka Formation (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician) including genera Ctenodonta, Praeleda, Praenucula, Pseudocyrtodonta.