Keyword "TAXONOMY" in:
Praeleda Pfab, 1934 and Praenucula Pfab, 1934 (Bivalvia) from the Ordovician of the Prague Basin
Steinová,M., volume 44, 2011 (GRR for 2010), pages 117–119
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Bryozoans from temporary outcrop in the vicinity of Rousínovec (Carpathian Foredeep, south Moravia)
Zágoršek,K., Jašková,V., volume 43, 2010 (GRR for 2009), pages 179–182
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Preliminary report of the revision nuculoids bivalves from the Šárka formation (Prague Basin, Middle Ordovician, Darriwilian)
Steinová,M., volume 42, 2009 (GRR for 2008), pages 124–125
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Revision of species Ctenodonta bohemica (Barrande, 1881) (bivalves) from Darriwilian (Ordovician, Prague Basin)
Steinova,M., volume 41, 2008 (GRR for 2007), pages 133–134
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Some less-known and new agglutinated foraminifers in the Carpathian Flysch
Bubík,M., volume 40, 2007 (GRR for 2006), pages 102–105
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New occurrence of serpulid worms from locality at Velim-Skalka in Bohemian Cretaceous Basin
Kočí,T., volume 40, 2007 (GRR for 2006), pages 109–111
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First occurrence of serpulid worm Filogranula cincta (Goldfuss) in Cretaceous sediments in Bohemia
Kočí,T., volume 40, 2007 (GRR for 2006), pages 112–113
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Report on serpulid worms find from locality Hády (Upper Jurassic) in Brno (Moravia, Czech Republic)
Kočí,T., volume 40, 2007 (GRR for 2006), pages 114–115
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The species Ormathops inflatus (Želízko, 1922) (Trilobita) from the Bohemian Ordovician (Dobrotivian, Lower Berounian) in the western part of the Prague Basin (Barrandian)
Moravec,J.K., volume 38, 2005 (GRR for 2004), pages 82–83
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A new species of the ostreoid bivalve from the Santonian of western part of Libya
Záruba,B., volume 37, 2004 (GRR for 2003), pages 100–101
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New species of Cretaceous oyster from Plaňany near Kolín
Záruba,B., volume 35, 2002 (GRR for 2001), pages 110–111
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Note on taxonomy and occurrence of the oyster Gryphaeostrea canaliculata (J. SOWERBY, 1813) at the locality Plaňany near Kolín (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin)
Záruba,B., volume 34, 2001 (GRR for 2000), pages 50–51
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Comments on the morphology of jaw teeth of the selected genera of xenacanthid sharks
Zajíc,J., volume 33, 2000 (GRR for 1999), pages 86–88
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Taxonomic research of the subfamily Recurvoidinae (Foraminifera) in 1999
Bubík,M., volume 33, 2000 (GRR for 1999), pages 169–174
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Taxonomic research of the subfamily Recurvoidinae (Foraminifera) in year 1998
Bubík,M., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 129–133
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Results of taxonomic research of the subfamily Recurvoidinae (Foraminifera) in year 1997
Bubík,M., volume 31, 1998 (GRR for 1997), pages 151–153
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Finds of foraminifers in the Ordovician of the Barrandian
Bubík,M., volume 29, 1996 (GRR for 1995), pages 18–20
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New knowledge on the genus Spiroplectinella Kiselman, 1972 (Foraminiferida)
Čtyroká,J., Zlinská,A., volume 26, 1993 (GRR for 1992), pages 17–18
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