Holocene deposit at the foot of the Posledný komín Cliff in the Zádielska tiesňava Gorge (Southeast Slovakia, National Park Slovak Karst)


Vojen Ložek, Václav Cílek

Geoscience Research Reports 47, 2014 (GRR for 2013), pages 160–164

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The Holocene deposit is situated at the foot of the Posledný komín Cliff at the uppermost end of the Zádielska tiesňava Gorge, at elevation 460 m; the adjacent karst plateau attains 700 m. It lies in a nearly rectangular corner of a north-facing vertical rock face and consists of predominantly small-sized rock rubble with scattered larger fragments and foam-sinter matrix. The foam sinter formation was supported by the cool and moist local microclimate. The whole sequence includes an abundant malacofauna that consists of 2 different malacocoenoses: (1) Snail assemblage of a damp scree forest living right in the talus accumulation area and (2) shells of rock-dwelling species falling down from the cliff. Both, the composition of the fossil snail assemblages, and two RC dates correspond to the time-span Boreal-Present. The Subboreal climatic break is impressively documented by the boulder horizon in layer 6 that is also characterized by the appearance of a number of Late Holocene snail species.


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