Keyword "LIMESTONES" in:
Slump and deformation structures in limestones of the Lower Devonian of the Barrandian area, at localities U topolů, Lochkov and U kapličky
Tomáš Vorel, volume 51, issue 2, 2018, pages 107–112pdf (8.64 MB)
Lower Permian lacustrine limestones in the western part of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin, locality Tatobity (Rotliegend)
Marcela Stárková, Pavel Čáp, volume 50, issue 1, 2017, pages 137–140pdf (5.63 MB)
Carbonate facies of Požáry Formation at localities Požáry and Kosov (Barrandian Area)
Čáp,P., volume 45, 2012 (GRR for 2011), pages 13–15pdf (0.89 MB)
Lower Permian limestones near Rovensko pod Troskami
Čáp,P., volume 43, 2010 (GRR for 2009), pages 31–32pdf (0.17 MB)
Sedimentary structures of Cretaceous limestonesin the surroundings of Kutná Hora
Čáp,P., Zelenka,P., volume 42, 2009 (GRR for 2008), pages 15–16pdf (0.44 MB)
The microfacies of limestones of the Ludlow-Přídolí boundary at selected localities in the Barrandian area
Čáp,P., volume 35, 2002 (GRR for 2001), pages 15–17pdf (0.15 MB)
Hydrogeology of the Sovinec limestones
Čurda,J., volume 32, 1999 (GRR for 1998), pages 31–32pdf (0.14 MB)
Report of continuing geological revision mapping of the Devonian in the vicinity of Tišnov
Dvořák,J., volume 31, 1998 (GRR for 1997), pages 13–14pdf (0.09 MB)
The Sokol-rock at Vlastiboř: a contribution to the stratigraphy of the Železný Brod Crystalline Unit
Fediuk,F., volume 31, 1998 (GRR for 1997), pages 83–85pdf (0.29 MB)
Report on 1 : 10 000 geological revision mapping of the Devonian in the vicinity of Tišnov
Dvořák,J., volume 30, 1997 (GRR for 1996), pages 25–25pdf (0.06 MB)
Preliminary results of tbc study of concentration and sources of natural radioactive elements in the surroundings of Stupňovitá abyss in the Sloup-Šošůvka caves in the Moravian Karst
Štecl,J., Navrátil,O., Surý,J., volume 26, 1993 (GRR for 1992), pages 76–77pdf (0.1 MB)
Sequence of diagenetic changes in the limestones of the Silurian/Devonian boundary stratotype, Klonk near Suchomasty
Hladil,J., volume 25, 1993 (GRR for 1991), pages 51–53pdf (0.11 MB)